Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spinning, Spinning, Spinning!!!

My first Physical Therapy session was yesterday.....I was in pain all night long!!! They tell me it gets better!
My knee has made a lot of improvement since these pics were taken.

We have been leasing the home we have been in for the last year, but apparently the owner hasn't been paying the bank and it was supposed to be sold at public auction TODAY!!! The owner got an extention so we can see if we can buy the house.....our former employer really messed us up that way by the way he "took care of our home in Nevada". We will let you know....hopefully we will be able to swing it!!

Time goes on. Yesterday Preston got his learner's permit and has been driving with his dad ever since. will I think I do what I did when Sandy learned to drive. I made a big sign for the back of the truck that said "Caution: Student Driver and Nervous Parents".

Aimee graduated from High School and is excited about attending BYU next fall. I had her lei made out of
one dollar bills folded like leaves and blue silk flowers.

A week after I had my surgery Alex had another litter, her fifth, of three females. I have told Rick I want Alex and Walker both "fixed" ENOUGH!!! She started to whelp as I was out the door to have my staples removed so I called a neighbor to attend her while she had her pups. The neighbor and her kids really enjoyed it. Good to have great neighbors!!! That's about it for now. We keep busy but love to hear from you and think of you all the time. Love, Janet

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow it seems like a lot if going on with you lately. That picture of your knee made me hurt for you. I hope the physical therapy goes well and you're back to normal soon. Love you.