Saturday, April 12, 2008

Last Week End at "The Camp"

The boys decided they wanted to spend the night one last time before Grandma and Grandpa move into their new house. The house we have been living in for the last couple of months is old and "curious".....offering adventure and daring, being "rickity" and so close to the freeway and some wide open spaces!!! So stay they did!!! We had Costco pizza and apples....they have the best apples....and a generally a good time. They forgot to bring clean clothes so we washed them last night so they would have clean for today. Grandpa fixed pancakes for breakfast. Meanwhile, they had fun with the "laundry shoot" a make shift hole in the floor above the washroom. Never a dull moment. Wendy came by early this morning and I took her to the try outs for "Deal or No Deal". Tons of people there. I told Wendy I couldn't believe she was trying out, she won't even give a talk in church without hyperventilating, but she was perfectly calm and excited. I hope she is having a good time. I will go pick her up when she calls. My sister Vicki will also be going through town with her daughter Marla this evening and I will meet them "on the road" to say hi.....they are going to try to get as far as Boise tonight. I am including a picture of Walker and Alex, our two Yorkies. I keep them clipped short, because they are so much easier to keep clean that way. ..... especially in the warmer weather. They are so spoiled.


Beth said...

That's really cool that Wendy's trying out for 'deal or no deal' I love that show. You'll hae to make sure and let us know if she makes it and if so, then when she'll be on.

Joyce Sowards said...

congrads on finding a house and by now probably moved in...the boxes anyway. :) You look great, Preston looks all grown up and seems to be doing great in Karate. Keep us posted on Wendy and her tryouts!